
Saturday 18 May 2013

My First Indies!!!

YAY! I am so excited to have received my first indies in the mail today; courtesy of a lovely lady on the UK Only Polish & Beauty Swaps Group :) I have been wanting some indie polishes for sooo long but the majority come from the US and are so hard to get hold of and ship; so the swap group is perfect for starters like me! Inside my package were the following lovelies, the Love Hearts were such a cute touch, I love them too!

KB Shimmer - Elle, Candy Lacquer - Sugar Skulls, (Swizzles Matlow - Love Hearts lol).

First off I went for the KB Shimmer which has a lovely sheer grey base with a mix of red, holo, silver and white hexes, both big and small. I really like the red pieces, not bright red, a lovely pale/pinky shade; just beautiful in the grey. I am a huge fan of grey nails on my fingers and toes so decided to stay true to the base with the Barry M Grey. Two coats of that followed by two of the Elle. I loved it like that... but then I had an urge to pop a matte top coat on the top and boy, I loved it even more! :)



Barry M - Grey, KB Shimmer - Elle, Rimmel - Matte Finish Topcoat

Next up the Candy Lacquer - Sugar Skulls :) Love this! A mix of small pink, white, blue and yellow hexes; with some large white and yellow hexes and some white and pink heart shapes for good measure! Sparce it is not! I took my inspiration for this mani from the name and decided to go for some actual sugar skulls too! Seemed obvious to me!! I chose a base of neon purple for the thumb, middle and pinky fingers and white for the index and ring fingers. Over the purple I did two coats of the Sugar Skulls polish; over the white I painted some sugar skulls using only dotting tools. I picked out the pink, yellow and blue from the indie polish and also took the purple from my other nails as the colours for my skulls. What do you think?? I only wish my nails were wider for a fuller picture! What are your favourite indie polishes??


Avon - Licorice, Models Own - Snow White & Pukka Purple, Candy Lacquer - Sugar Skulls, Colour Club - Pink, Yellow & Blue from the Brights Collection, Smallest & Largest Dotting Tools

MissLanage x


  1. Gorgeou!!
    And welcome to the world of Indie polishes!! Now youre here, youll never leave!! (ok, that sounds creepy instead of cool!!)
    Seriously, i love Indies, most of my collection are Indies -fab polishes -these wont be your last!! ;)

    1. Thank you! :)
      I've already been warned it's a slippery slope hahaha; and I already have my eye on 9 more that I NEED in my life ;)
      I think they are going to make up the majority of my future polish purchases!

      Rebecca x
