
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Return From Holiday Mani: Shimmer Polish "Jovie"

Well... I used up all the data in Spain... Again and it wasn't worth topping up AGAIN so here I am back in the UK before bringing you another mani!... I returned from my hols to find a package of three indie's I bought online whilst on holiday LOL, even on my travels I can't miss a bargain polish! And one of them I used for tonight's mani, I LOVE it, I think it has to be No.1 in my glitter polish spots (at the moment haha). It's a clear base with teeny tiny glitter inside, then added pink/silver/blue shimmering holo hexes... It's beauuuutiful.


I started with a base of two coats of the "Mushroom" followed by two half-ish coats of the "Jovie" on all but the ring finger which I covered entirely. I also dabbed the dry brush to the tips to add the odd bit of sparkle to enhance a sort of gradient effect. I topcoated all but the ring finger with my go-to Color Club and used the Rimmel matte topcoat on the ring finger. I forgot just how much I love the matte look... I can see a few more of those popping up in the near future.


Added the close-up shots to try and better capture the matte accent nail :)


Models Own - Mushroom, Shimmer Polish - Jovie, Color Club - Topcoat, Rimmel - Matte Topcoat.

I have the other two pretty indie purchases from Darling Diva Polish to show you this week along with a mani using the MOST lovely OPI Liquid Sands polish "Alcatraz - Rocks" that I picked up in Duty Free at the airport!... And I start my nail technician couse next week!! *Squeal*

MissLanage x


  1. Thanks, I did this a while ago now... I have over 370 followers on bloglovin so think it'd be rude to do it again despite the lesser following on GFC :) feel free to nominate someone else in my place x

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! :) Loved this polish, wish I still had it in my collection!!
