Goodbye 2014!

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Well, it's the end of another year folks!
I can't say I'll be sad to see the back of 2014, it's been a bit of a bitch in all honesty... It was the toughest year ever for my health and my stress levels have hit all time highs! My nail tech studies and the blog have really suffered but I've hung on in there because Lane's Lacquers is my passion. Thanks to all of you that have hung in there with me too! Here's a quick look at some of my favourite mani's from the last twelve months...


Along with these pretties, 2014 has had other highlights - babies being born, making the best of friends, family coming together and learning a lot about myself! I also bit the bullet and finally quit my full-time office work this month; it doesn't make me happy anymore, in fact it does the very opposite and I figured if I want things to change, I had better start doing things differently! My health seems to be on the up and my focus is finally on my passion...

So listen up 2015, I'm coming for you and you're gonna be good!

Happy New Year everyone!

Rebecca x

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