GOT Polish Challenge: Texture

Friday 16 May 2014

I didn't get this posted yesterday as whatever lil bug is haunting me returned worse than ever! Literally felt like death warmed up... I would like to be sleeping right now but in attempt to right my now messed up body clock, I'm staying awake... A lil afternoon nap is going to be a necessity though I think, I'm flagging already!

So a 5 minute texture and sparkle mani with accent bow was all I could muster...

OPI-liquid-sand-my-secret-crush-3d-bow-manicure (1)

I used two coats of the liquid sand which dries super fast and then used a dot of nail glue to fix on the accent bow.

OPI-liquid-sand-my-secret-crush-3d-bow-manicure (2)

My other half bought me this polish as a super early Christmas present last year and I still hadn't used it! Really lovely polish though, the colour and sparkle are just stunning.

OPI - My Secret Crush, 3D Nail Decorations (gift from a friend)

Rebecca xxx


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