31 Day Challenge: Inspired By A Fabric

Saturday 26 January 2013

Finally feeling back to normal and capable of some nail painting... Good job because there was lots to catch up on, I was determined to follow it thorough to the end though! Took me ages to decide what fabric to choose as my inspiration! In the end I went for my favourite beach bag - roll on summer!!! Was a simple manicure to do; started with two coats of the white and then stamped on the stripes in a deep blue. I had to double stamp the thumbnail which was a nightmare lol! Third time was lucky! Rather than adding red tips as I had originally thought (given the red band at the top of the bag), I decided on adding hearts as I had seen something similar in a nautical design I really liked a while back. Was quite pleased with the result!



For this look I used:
  • Boots Natural Collection - Nail Tip Whitener
  • Avon Nailwear Pro - Midnight Blue
  • Avon Nailwear Pro - Red Bombshell
  • Medium Dotting Tool


MissLanage x


  1. simple, but I love it !
    great job :D

    Me, MySelf and I

  2. This is so cute! I have a shirt kind of like this, striped and front pocket has a heart on it!

    1. Thanks, I quite liked this one... Just realised I didn't post a pic of the bag! Will do so! :)


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