31 Day Challenge: Saran Wrap

Wednesday 9 January 2013

This is the first time I have ever done a saran wrap mani (that's clingfilm to us brits)! My first attempt was a disaster - I forgot to topcoat my basecolour so when I did the second colour and dabbed - naked spots on my nails! LOL... So the second time around  I did the clear topcoat over the pink base, once dry I painted on a thick-ish coat of the sparkly blue and dabbed with the saran wrap until I had the desired effect. Not quite perfect, but it was my first go... Looking forward to trying this technique out with a range of colours!!!


For this look I used:
  • Barry M - Clear Hardener, Basecoat & Topcoat
  • Barry M - Shocking Pink
  • Barielle - Jillians Jammin'


MissLanage x


  1. Replies
    1. yo tambien! mi primera vez pero voy a estar haciendo otra vez!

  2. This is an awesome technique! I may try it out on a very bold colour and see what happens!


  3. This is pretty! I think this method works best when you don't use a foily polish for the dabbing because it tends to muck up the base color. I mean, not that it looks bad, yours looks good. I tried it with gold over blue, and it made the blue look dirty so that's what I'm referencing lol.

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean!! With this glittery one, it did leave a bit of a residue over the pink, which means it didn't quite POP as much as I wanted it to beneath the blue! But thankfully it wasn't a total disaster lol! :)


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