TPC: Nude, Turquoise, Coral

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Hello lovelies!

Apologies for my long absence, with the stress of work and a billion other things I just couldn't bring myself to worry about doing my nails. I've also used the time to re-evaluate the content of my blog and the kind of posts I want to do more/less of etc. I'll soon be off on my summer hols to relax and recharge for a couple of weeks, so I have a few random posts planned before bringing everything back up to speed on my return!


So the TPC, I did this mani weeks ago and then didn't like it so it was shelved and I didn't get time to revisit the theme... Now I'm at the stage where I kinda like it, and as I've been lacking a bit on the posts front, decided I would share after all lol!


For this simple mani I started with two coats of nude for the base. I then took a small nail art brush and used the coral and turquoise to first draw out the two triangular shapes, then fill in. Filling in took three or four coats using the teeny brush. Once dry, I topcoated. Ordinarily I would have used tape for a mani like this but I just couldn't be faffed and to be honest, I quite like when you can tell it's hand painted :)


Still not sure about the colour combo though?! I like the sound of it in my head, very retro, but when I see them altogether in front of me... different story! Weird or what?! I think it might be the wrong nude... haha.

Nails Inc - George Street, Lisle Street, Royal Botanical Gardens, Color Club Topcoat, Avon Dual Tool

Rebecca xxx


  1. I think this is lovely - great job!

    1. Oh thank you hunny, I was so unsure about it!


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