31 Day Challenge 2015: Happiness

Sunday 4 January 2015

Ahh I love Sunday's - Early bath, snuggled up under the duvet on the sofa reading scratch magazine, blog planning and writing this post for you... Oh and eating Maoam Stripes left over from crimbo lol! It didn't take much soul searching to know what makes me happy: My love, my hamster Humbug, mother nature and all things shiny/sparkly, which includes all things nails! So here is my masterpiece hahaha...


White nails are my favourite so seemed an obvious choice of base, two coats. I then dotted on the yellow flower centres and tops of the pink hearts, filling in all the details and leaves with a small nail art brush and an array of my Bazza polishes! I used the same brush to paint the hamster face, using a black nail art pen for the eyes and whiskers and then dotted on the nose. Finished with a topcoat, placing the rhinestones whilst still wet.

barry-m-hand-painted-happiness-hamster-love-flowers-sparkle-nail-art (2)

I umm-ed and arr-ed over whether to do a realistic watercolour typed design or this more naive 'cutesie' kind of look... I'm still not sure if I went with the right one but it's done now and I rather like it, it did make me smile which is a sure sign of happiness!

Barry M: Matte White, Lychee, Chai, Dragon Fruit, Yellow, Key Lime, Pink Punch, Black Nail Art Pen, Color Club: Topcoat, Avon Dual Tool, BYS Rhinestones

Cor, even looking at this selection of polishes together makes me happy! LOL!


Aaaand this is Humbug! If you follow me over on Instagram you will probably be familiar with my lil furbaby, but for everyone else, here's a bit of cute to end your Sunday with heehee...

Rebecca x


  1. Replies
    1. Haha thank you, I think so! Crazy lil fuzznut :)

  2. Aw this is adorable. I'll admit I'm totally jealous of all your Barry M polishes lol

    1. Ahh thanks Roselynn :) Hahaha, look out for stash pics in my upcoming 'behind the blog' posts ;)


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