31 Day Challenge 2015: Recreate Favourite Blogger

Saturday 17 January 2015

This was a difficult one, I don't really have a favourite blogger, more like many favourite bloggers! I will be sharing more details about them in my 'Behind The Blog' series next month... I got to a top three or four and then flicked through a heap of their mani's until one POPPED... The gemstone nail art from the fabby Chalkboard Nails was the one!


I didn't check out Sarah's tutorial before doing these, I tend not to use them at all, I'm lucky enough to have one of those brains that deconstructs something when I look at it. When I did check it out to write this post, I found that I essentially did it the exact same way so to save me rattling on check out her post HERE.

barry-m-chalkboard-nails-gemstone-3d-freehand-nail-art (2)

I chose to do an all blue design because Aquamarine is my birthstone, luckily it's also one of my favourite colours so I had plenty of polishes to choose from in order to have the required seven shades with no mixing mess :)

Picture Polish: Tiffany, Barry M: Blueberry Ice Cream, Bluberry, Blue Moon, Cyan, Damson, Blue Grape, Black & White Nail Art Pens, Color Club: Topcoat, Small Flat Paintbrush

I'm so glad I bit the bullet and took on a bigger work with this one, I love the result and it's pushing the boundaries of my style.

Rebecca x


  1. Lovely! I love the little reflection detail :)

    1. Thank you! I was super pleased that I pulled this off haha :)


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